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miércoles, 13 de abril de 2011

UNFAITHFUL, a TV series.

Unfaithful is a TV series which talks, especially, about love, hate, lies, worries, mistakes, friendship and obviously, as its name shows, infidelity. This is a series which is presented by tv3 (Television de Catalunya); it started on the 26th of March in 2009. At the beginning, first you think it is about being unfaithful to someone, but now, I've discovered that it talks also about being unfaithful to yourself, because the main characters make mistakes that have bad consequences, and these things make their relationships with families and partners worse .

The main characters (Joana, Paula, Lidia, Cruz and Arlet) are five friends who have got a close friendly relation, they know all about the others and they go together to many places, like the swimming pool, which is one of the spaces where we can see them all together talking, especially about their problems, worries and love relationships.

These five girls have got very different experiences and characters, but I have noticed that they've got also a lot of things in common:

Joana has got two children, and that makes her a more responsible woman, but she's a little insecure and she cares about what people say about her. At the beginning of the series, her husband is working in Buenos Aires, and she has noticed that he is in love with another woman, so she breaks her relationship and along the series she starts other relations, such as with Peter, who is a porn star.

Paula is the one who I identify with. She's got a bar, where she works every day, so that's why she knows a lot of interesting people. Paula is a "free soul" she doesn’t care about what people say about her and she sometimes forgets her best friends, who need her. At the end of the series, Paula has become a good writer. I have to notice, that at the start, Paula was married to Marc, but she broke up with him when she knew that Marc had cancer.

Lidia is a psychologist, who had always been so secure of herself, but she has had to overcome her husband's death and she has become a little insecure. Through the series she became a nymphomaniac and she has had some strange relationships.

Cruz is an economist who lives with her ex husband, who has become an homosexual, her fiancé and her daughter. Cruz has got a very patient character, so when she is about to get married with her future husband, she notices that he's being unfaithful to her, but she tries to go on with their relationship; but at the end, she is unfaithful to to him too and she's falling in love with the other man, Esteban.

Arlet is the youngest character. She has got a special character, maybe, I identify also with her because she's young and she sees love in a different way to her friends. She's a teacher and her character shows it, so she's also very patient, but on some occasions she seems to be a little childish. Also she is in a relationship with a boy, but she's, in secret, falling in love with a girl that she has met. At the end of the series, Arlet is pregnant, and her son will have two mothers, Arlet and Dani (Daniela).

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