When someone becomes famous in a short time, they start to feel secure and proud of themselves, and that's right, because they have get succes because of their sacrifices and their effort of being actors ans actresses or singers. But there are people who participate in reality shows where they don't do anything apart from insult. In some occasions people continue being like before of get fame, but in others, they start to do crazy things related to the drugs, alcohol and sex.
The most famous example that I know is the case of Lindsay Lohan. She started her actress career working in films like "Bad girls", where she appears like a young and innocent girl. This film was the one that gives her the fame and that make her life worse, because the succes she got with it, makes that she became the woman that we see currently, a drug addicted woman.

There are cases of very young people, like Demi Lobato or Miley Cyrus, known by disney chanel, who are also, currently, in troubles related to drugs or alcohol. Demi Lobato, who's seventeen or eighteen years old is, right now, in a rehab center.
It's incredible how fame can affect people, especially teenagers who who know on the tv or the radio.

Personally, now, if I became famous I would care about it and thouth just about my professional career; but never fall apart in this way, because young people have got a lot of time in fornt of them and with drugs and alcohol they are making their lives short. I think that everything has got a limit, and people have to find it.
It's a shame if that many celebrities fall into drugs and alcohol but I think that the only difference between the famous people and "normal" people is that they have much more money to spend excessively and this plays against.